The global e-learning market size was valued at $197.00 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach $840.11 billion by 2030 (Source: Allied Market Research). With the rise of online education, education has become more accessible across the globe. Students who live in rural area can attend live classes online in a city. Students with part-time jobs can log in to complete their school work at night. Online teaching platforms and e learning websites allow students to expand their educational opportunities by having access to life-long learning.
Live video streaming is a great way to reach out to a wider base of students. It makes sure that everyone understands the content, no matter what their current skill level is. It also allows for active studying, as students can pause the video, rewind, and watch it over and over again. Video streaming through apps, e learning websites and other platforms are a great way to reach out to a wider base of students and make sure that everyone understands the content, no matter what their current skill level is. It also allows for active studying, as students can pause the video, rewind, and watch it over and over again. Lectures can be captured and saved for students to watch later if they miss sessions or want to re-watch the lectures anytime.
To engage with a global audience and properly educate a diverse community of learners, educational establishments need to invest in online video streaming software. A cloud video streaming platform offers educational establishments the ability to deliver live classes online and on-demand video content and also provides them with necessary tools to create a successful online live learning experience.
To ensure a high quality of experience for the students, educational establishments need to invest in a software that supports live-streaming of their online coaching classes. The software must be robust and engaging, and the instructors should have full control over the video quality and even the camera angles. A software that supports live-streaming will help the students interact with their teachers in real time.
e learning websites, apps and other platforms are more affordable than traditional classroom learning for both students and educators. Students are able to save money on transportation and housing while educators are able to cut down on the costs of construction and maintenance.
A leading video platform for education is Geneo. It is designed to serve single students to small and large universities and institutions. Their solutions include streaming of lectures and video search.
It is now possible for schools to offer online live learning classes to a global audience through streaming platforms. This is saving schools a lot of money since they do not have to pay its teachers anymore while they can also reach out to a huge audience.
Features to look for in a live teaching platform are:
Quality of the video – The video quality is the most important factor while choosing a live streaming platform for online coaching classes. Make sure you choose a platform that can provide you with a high-quality video.
Price – Price is another important factor while choosing a live streaming platform. Educators have to consider the price of the platform. Make sure you do extensive research before choosing a platform.
User Interface Design is the point at which user and software meet; the connection between the two. It’s the first thing that the user will see when they attend live classes online. The use interface needs to be simple and easily navigable.
Educators can use their choice of online teaching platforms to create a virtual classroom for their students. They can live stream lectures and other educational content.
Geneo – Moving fast ahead of the rest
Geneo, a strong player in the educational technology space, is a platform that helps students to learn in a better and more holistic way. Geneo is an education company that provides curated content for each school grade starting from class 5 up to 10. In addition to that, all the content within Geneo is mapped chapter-wise to the NCERT textbooks, so that students can follow the same curriculum as they would in school. The Geneo platform is designed in such a way that it works as a supplemental source of knowledge for students to learn concepts, not just learn lessons and facts. Students can learn in all three modes – through the platform, through their teachers, and through the support of their peers and friends.
Self-Paced Learning
Geneo is a self-paced learning platform that has revolutionized education. Students can practice, take tests for self-assessment and get mentor support whenever they need it.
AI Guided Learning
Geneo offers AI-led personalized lessons that cater to every learner’s strength and weakness. Adaptive learning algorithms recommend topics that are most likely to be of interest to a learner, which can be used in the context of online teaching platforms.
Live Teacher-Led Learning
A Geneo student has a virtual classroom, where they can do assignments, assessments and interact with teachers, fellow students and even alumni over live chat from the comfort of their home.
The competition has been fierce for streaming services for educational streaming, but the end result is a better product for the end users. Educational streamers now have the chance to experience a much more advanced platform, as well as many now see the value in the newer, more advanced features. The competition is only helping the educational streaming platforms, as they all strive to provide the best possible services to the end users.