Content curated for Class 9 on the Geneo platform covers the CBSE syllabus most comprehensively, with a focus on concept level learning and exam preparation. Students can study by selecting a particular chapter, revising the same and taking chapter-wise tests, therefore covering all topics of the courseware thoroughly.
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Learn about motion, gravitation, work and energy.
Matter in Our Surroundings
Is Matter Around Us Pure
Atoms and Molecules
Structure of The Atom
The Fundamental Unit of Life
Diversity in Living Organisms
Force and Laws of Motion
Work and Energy
Why Do We Fall ill
Natural Resources
Improvement in Food Resources
Learn about polynomials, triangles and number systems. Get introduced to Euclid's geometry.
Number Systems
Coordinate Geometry
Linear Equations in Two Variables
Introduction to Euclid's Geometry
Lines and Angles
Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles
Heron's Formula
Surface Areas and Volumes
Build greater confidence and proficiency in oral and written communication. Develop essential language skills to question and to articulate the point of view. Use appropriate English to communicate at various levels.
The Fun They Had
The Sound of Music
The Little Girl
A Truly Beautiful Mind
The Snake and The Minor
My Childhood
Reach for the Top
The Bond of Love
If I Were You
Know about the French and Russian revolutions. Get to know Hitler, Nazism & pastoralists in the modern world
The French Revolution
Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
Forest Society and Colonialism
Pastoralists in the Modern World
Learn about India – its size, location and physical features. Get to know about climate, natural vegetation, wildlife and population
India–Size and Location
Physical Features of India
Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
Learn about democracy, electoral politics and democratic rights. Understand the need for political institutions like the Supreme Court, The Prime Minister and the cabinet of ministers etc.
What is Democracy? Why Is Democracy?
Constitutional Design
Electoral Politics
Working of Institutions
Democratic Rights
The economics subject covers topics of poverty and related challenges, food security in India and importance of population as an asset for the economy.
The Story of Village Palampur
People as Resource
Poverty as a Challenge
Food Security in India